The average house price on LEEMING GARTH is £90,284
The most expensive house in the street is 30 LEEMING GARTH with an estimated value of £107,092
The cheapest house in the street is 5 LEEMING GARTH with an estimated value of £84,595
The house which was most recently sold was 10 LEEMING GARTH, this sold on 23 Jun 2023 for £85,000
The postcode for LEEMING GARTH is HU7 4LZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 LEEMING GARTH Terraced £89,336 £54,000 10 Jan 2007
5 LEEMING GARTH Terraced £84,595 £62,000 29 Apr 2016
6 LEEMING GARTH Terraced £86,722 £72,500 4 Sep 2020
10 LEEMING GARTH £86,738 £85,000 23 Jun 2023
22 LEEMING GARTH Terraced £88,734 £85,000 11 Mar 2022
30 LEEMING GARTH Terraced £107,092 £67,000 29 Jun 2007
31 LEEMING GARTH Terraced £88,777 £72,250 24 Jan 2020